Drinking Coffee with Atok Coffee Growers

As the windy mountain road takes us higher and higher into the Cordillera of northern Luzon, the air gets thinner, the panoramic vistas more spectacular, and my breakfast increasingly eager to make a second appearance. Occasionally we roll down all the windows, to let the characteristic scent of chicken manure waft in through one window and out the other. Needless to say, I’m loving every minute of it. When my colleagues and I arrive at the meeting hall, the cooperative of Atok coffee farmers warmly welcomes us with a cup – more like a large vat, actually – of coffee; freshly brewed from their own harvest of 100% Arabica beans. What I find especially charming is that one of our hosts leads me to the window to point out the exact mountainside where this particular cup of coffee I’m enjoying was grown, picked, processed and roasted. We have all heard stories of cacao farmers who have never had the pleasure of tasting chocolate, but the same cannot be said for the coffee growers of ...