Buried Treasure in Bohol

When the 7.2 earthquake shook the island of Bohol on October 15th, the majority of its 400-year old churches were instantly reduced to a pile of rubble. As we creep forward for a closer look, we notice the still intact church bell protruding from the heaps, like buried treasure slowly revealing itself. Wandering through the ancient ruins of Rome, you realize that nothing in this world was truly built to last. But while I can accept the centuries slowly chipping away at stone and marble, it is much harder to wrap my head around the complete collapse of this church from one moment to the next. There is something peculiar about this place, a little eerie but also mesmerizing. My colleagues from the Peace and Equity Foundation light a candle in the nearby tent serving as a makeshift church, before we all pile back into the mini-van. Generators Although dramatic, the damaged churches are only one part of the story. On an island where many depend on the tourism, an earthqua...